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被勃朗峰缆车之旅所提供的无限视野所吸引:海拔3500米,从全新角度看世界。 还可以在中途站Pavillon du Mont Frety享用当地的三道菜午餐,选择多样任君挑选。
这次游览分为两个部分,乘坐全景加热和自动旋转的Skyway缆车进行:第一部分覆盖了从库马耶到2000米高的Pavillon du Mont Frety的路程,而第二部分则覆盖了到庞塔海尔布伦纳的路程。到达站是一个真正的特权观景点,提供了罗什福特脊、巨人的牙齿和镶嵌在冰川中的众多城堡的惊人景色。
游览的返回路线包括在Pavillon du Mont Frety车站的中途停留,在那里,参与者将有独特的机会享用阿尔卑斯自助午餐。 提供的阿尔卑斯自助餐包括各种属于当地食品和葡萄酒遗产的菜肴和饮品,如奶酪玉米糊、奶酪火锅或著名的本地生产的格拉巴酒。
请注意:缆车出发时间为每天上午8:30到下午3:30之间,每20分钟一班,周一至周五。周六和周日,关闭时间延迟至16:30。时间表可能会根据技术和天气要求进行更改。 请在预订时提供电子邮件地址,我们会将凭证发送给您以便转换为缆车票,同时确认午餐时间。 取消政策: 在服务出发前2天内可取消且不收取任何费用。 对于在预订服务出发前48小时内取消或“未出现”的情况,将收取100%的费用。
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23 评论
Cecilia A
Monte Bianco a beautiful day. It is best to print out your ticket from Expedia. The one you get through email that is written in Italian. Presented to the ticket office for your tickets and meal voucher. At the first stop you get to browse through the laboratory where scientists are finding ways to grow plants, and produce wines at altitude. You will be awarded with marvelous views as you walk around the botanical gardens. There is a restaurant at the first stop and also a buffet downstairs. Our tour included a meal at the top stop and the food was incredibly tasty. Very nice staff, limited English but enough to communicate effectively. We spent an about six hours in this experience. Self guided so research the area before you go up. You can also transfer to Chamonix and get to visit the aiguille de midi for an extra fee. Overall is a recommendation for everyone. Taxis are expensive to get back home and I would suggest to look at the bus schedule before you go up to plan your way home on time for reservations, etc. bus stop is to the left of the Monte Bianco ticket window or just ask they are very accommodating. Cheers
Esperienza da fare. Vista meravigliosa, giardino botanico interessante , solarium ben fornito di sdraio per rilassarsi, personale della funivia attento , ristorante punta Hebron con vista sulla montagna meraviglioso, piatti semplici ma gustosi, dolci molto buoni, pulizia e attenzione.