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Envie de découvrir les plus belles plages de Sardaigne ? Venez faire une randonnée à la Sella del Diavolo - la Selle du Diable. Ce promontoire est l'un des symboles naturels de la ville de Cagliari. Le sable blanc et les eaux scintillantes vous attendent sur la plage, mais la selle est l'endroit d'où vous pourrez profiter d'une vue imprenable sur le golfe des Anges.
Lose yourself in the sweet scents and penetrating aromas of the Mediterranean region. You are in the South of Sardinia, exactly in the center of Mare Nostrum .
If you are looking for the best Cagliari beach to visit during the low and mid season, do not miss the opportunity to get a special guided tour to the Devil's Saddle. Starting from here you will follow the traces of the ancient inhabitants of Sardinia.
The history of Sardinia is full of traces and paths. All are converging into a complex merge, representing the uniqueness of this culture.
We will take you into a pleasant walk through archeology and nature , up to the top of this promontory overhanging the sea. During the tour, you will see the ruins of the Temple of Astarte and the Tower of Sant'Elia , a Roman cistern and a Punic one, as well as the ruins of a fort of the II World War.
• L'excursion a lieu avec un nombre minimum de 2 participants. • Heures de départ : janv, fév, mar, oct, nov, déc : 15.00 / avr, mag, set : 17.00 / juin, juil, août : 18.00
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