What is Bari known for?

What is Bari known for?

Oct 2, 2022

What is Bari Known For?

The ancient city of Bari Vecchia, with its maze of winding alleyways, white Romanesque churches, and the sound of the sea that encircles it like defensive walls, is where Bari, the capital city of the Apulia Region, finds its genuine heart.

Then there is the city from the nineteenth century with the "murattiano" district, a network of straight streets that cross each other in a checkerboard pattern, the shopping streets, and the promenade, which is the longest in Europe and Italy at 15 km long! The lights of the city, the most up-to-date structures, and the bustling fish market (known by the dialect name "nderr la lanz" for the custom of tossing fish taken out of the sea) are mirrored in the Adriatic Sea's waters.

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