Spend 48 Hours In Rome

Spend 48 Hours In Rome

Aug 29, 2022

The Eternal City of Rome is a historical metropolis that houses some truly amazing architecture and has something for everyone. From the quaint sounding streets you can walk down to enjoy an old-fashioned espresso in one hand while watching passersby on bikes or scooters alike, there's no shortage when it comes to this beautiful city!

As if all these attractions weren't enough - try out their Italian food which will make your taste buds go wild with delight. 

A day trip to Rome is an unforgettable experience. With so much history, you can't afford not tour it all! If your itinerary doesn’t allow time for more than just a few attractions each day then I recommend taking one of these walking tours that will show off some hidden gems and give insight into Italian culture along the way. 

The Colosseum - This ancient arena was first used back in 70 A.D., making this place truly historic; its signature architecture has survived nearly intact up until today which makes watching events here quite dramatic.

An ideal Roman Tour

Waking up early is the best way to start your day. You should go for breakfast at a local bar near where your accomodation and order an espresso or cappuccino with one of their fantastic pastries, such as croissants (in Italian they are called “cornetti”).

The Colosseum

You've only just gotten to Rome for the day, but it's time to get moving! Your first stop should be at the Colosseum - known as one of Italy’s most iconic buildings and a symbol for all that this city has seen over its history. With only 24 hours before you start exploring other areas around town with more adventure on deck (like buying Skip The Line Passes), make sure not to miss out by admiring from afar what could very well become world-famous architecture while taking plenty photos inside too because there isn't always another chance like that.

The big, white building is the Monument of Vittorio Emanuele II - also a favorite photo spot for tourists. Before going back home, stop by there if you want to avoid the throng and have some alone time with your camera.

The Roman Cuisine

Roman cuisine is renowned for its flavor and variety around the world.

If you are looking to fill up on some authentic Italian cuisine, head into central Rome where there's tons of takeaway spots bustling with people eating pizza or pasta! You will find that pasta production is quite varied; make sure they do not only taste good but that they do also look impressive, as they may become your gifts to bring back once you return from the tour. One thing worth trying while exploring this side of the city? Suppli--a fried rice ball stuffed full of cheesy goodness which can be found just about anywhere around town.

The Trevi Fountain

My favorite tourist site in Rome is the Trevi Fountain. It's truly magical, with its beautiful waters and coins that seem to multiply when thrown into it! I always make sure to throw my coin towards good luck before taking some photos or just standing there admiring how gorgeous this place looks.

Another stop is the Pantheon - if you're up for exploring more than just your usual spot on a map try experiencing all that Pantheon has offer.

The Four River Fountains

The Fountains of the Four Rivers in Piazza Navona are a great attraction for tourists, but if you want to take some photos without being surrounded by other people who might want to take pictures of this incredible site, then head to the Great Marble Curve. If they are not too crowded, it is worth going back there to get a unique angle! If you want to experience something less touristy and more genuine, this is a great place to go. There are several restaurants with outdoor seating, making it ideal for enjoying the food and learning about Italian culture! You can also go near Campo De' Fiori, which, although not as famous, offers some amazing attractions, such as its all-day market where local products like cheese or limoncelli are sold.


When the evening cools down and you’re ready for an escape from Rome's bustling city life, head to Trastevere. You'll find yourself standing on one of its many bridges as it overlooks Vatican City – arguably one if not THE most impressive landscapes within Italian borders! From here we can see St Peter’s Basilica which was built by Napleonic artist Michelangelo in 1506-13 after being commissioned by Pope Julius II (a guy who loved himself some architecture).

The best time I recommend experiencing this view? Sunsetting of course because at that moment there will be live music playing inside Piazza Trillussa; what better way then sitting outside with friends or family while enjoying tasty food!

The Trastevere neighborhood is a must-see for any visitor to Rome. It’s not only famous because it houses some amazing restaurants, but this small area also has plenty of things that make your day-to date even more fun! You can explore alleyways and streets filled with bars or shops where you will find traditional Italian dishes like carbonara sauce made from black coal which gives off an intense rich flavor when eaten straight out its jar (I highly recommend trying them). If food isn't enough reason alone why visitors love coming here then take into account how beautiful these neighborhoods truly are; there's no better way than on foot exploring each winding street while soaking up local ambiance - until next time... Trastevere is a great area to stay in after your long day. You can unwind while enjoying the bar scene!

The Vatican City

If you are visiting Rome, I recommend spending at least half your day sightseeing. The Vatican City is a must-see and can be entered early in the morning to avoid lines as well! You will learn so much about Catholicism while there with an informative guide who has been trained by experts; they know how important this moment of reflection on faith really means for visitors like us.

Don't miss out anything - meet them outside when entering through security, go straight down those steps until reaching Level 2B1–the museum entrance awaits ahead.

After your well spent morning, it is time for some Roman pizza. If you didn't get a chance to try yesterday’s pie then make sure that you do that when heading out for breakfast today.

There are several things on the agenda including taking in all of Piazza del Popolo - one big square filled with beautiful architecture and charm! This place is considered "the most famous" because its location allows visitors access not only to Rome's old town but also gives them an understanding about what life might have looked like back during ancient times while demonstrating how much progress has been made since then through various buildings dotting this prestigious area.

From there, you can explore the amazing views of Rome from above at Terrazza del Pincio - this garden is even more beautiful when it's lit up in soft light! If that doesn't suit your taste or if there aren’t any rowboats available for rent then head on over to see what else has changed over time.

The Spanish Steps

One side of this little corner has The Spanish Steps, which are not-so-surprising architecturally nor do they disappoint visually. But it is known best for its amazing views at sunset when you can walk down them with your loved ones; then find a dinner spot right in the heart of Rome (and enjoy those last couple of hours).

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