Naviglio Grande

Naviglio Grande

Oct 6, 2022

The Naviglio Grande is an ancient canal that has supported Milan for centuries. Built in 1177, it's the city’s oldest and most important waterway- transporting goods to other parts of Italy as well as Geneva Switzerland! You might be wondering how white marble was brought into this bustling metropolis? Yep--they were shipped on functional waterways just like everything else back then!"

The da Vinci Canal system is a marvel to behold, not just for its ingenuity but also because it wouldn't have been possible without the help of this famous artist.

In 1481 AD when he was still alive and kicking, da Vinci drew up plans on how best get around town using what we know now as motorcycles--they were called "machines" back then though!

The narrow canal has everything from fabulous views of buildings lit up at night time while we enjoy an aperitivo drink on one side or people watching them come and go by boat throughout this beautiful landscape called Venice-Milan bay filled with bridges made out wood planks supporting boats catching some sun underneath.

When the sun sets, be sure to watch it dip below the buildings of Milan. As you stand on your favorite bridge with aperitivo in hand and enjoy this magical moment that will surely remain etched into memory for years after-time passes by!

The canals provide an incredible view as its lights up red or orange contrasting beautifully against their golden hues--a truly unforgettable experience.

What's more romantic than a canal side stroll with your loved one? If you're looking for something in the fashion industry, then it doesn't get much better than Navigli. From pop-up shops to high end boutiques and vintage finds... There is no shortage of shopping on this navigable waterway! But why stop at just clothing or even antiques when during each last Sunday Utrecht hosts their antique market where people travel from close by as well as far away Netherlands holdings come alive again bringing treasures out into open air that were otherwise hidden beneath damp earth all along until someone discovered them - what luck!!

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