Jul 25, 2022
In addition to having a different design, the outlets in Italy also have different frequencies and voltage. To charge your devices in Italy, you will need to purchase adapters or converters.
The outlets in Italy are round and have two or three holes. They don't resemble the square-shaped stores found in the United States, England, or other nations at all. In order to charge your devices in Italy, you will require an adaptor. These are available both online and in any electronics store. Rather than using a three-prong outlet, it is safer to purchase an adaptor for the European two-prong outlet. Three-prong outlets can be inserted into two-prong outlets, but not the other way around.
What distinguishes a converter from an adapter? An adapter is a gadget into which you insert your charger and which you then insert into various outlets. Adapters do not, however, change the electricity. An adapter that also converts electricity is known as a converter.
The voltage and frequency of the electricity in Italy and the rest of Europe are 220 volts and 50 cycles per second. In the US, 110 volts at 60 cycles per second of electricity are output from the outlet. The majority of modern electric devices are dual-voltage and include built-in converters. These include things like cameras, phones, laptops, and particularly travel-related gadgets. Items like hair straighteners and blow dryers are examples of goods that are often not dual voltage.
While converters can be purchased in Italy, it is less expensive and simpler to do it before traveling there. Additionally, it is a good idea to have a few backups. To check if you can use an adaptor, converter, or transformer, research online things that consume a lot of electricity.