Are There Markets In Cinque Terre?

Are There Markets In Cinque Terre?

May 20, 2022

The five small villages of Cinque Terre do not have the huge markets of other Italian cities. In fact, the village market is mostly filled with cheap "made in China" products. Local shops in the city have even better takeaway dishes! There are a few exceptions to staying in the Cinque Terre for a long time. 

There are some great market options near the Cinque Terre. If you are looking for a real market experience, La Spezia is the closest place. Here you will find the local Sunday food market on Mercato Square. Here you can find all kinds of fresh food, from produce to meat, pasta to cheese. The best part is that the only shoppers you find are locals! If you are there on the first Sunday of the month, there is also an antique market.

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