Paper Mache' Lab: private lesson


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TagesausflügeTagesausflüge / Paper Mache' Lab: private lesson

: 3 hours
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  • 3 hours lesson
  • Creation of some handicrafts

Vollständige Beschreibung

An unforgettable experience that links your hands with your heart. Paper-maché or cartapesta is a craft that is unique to Lecce in the Salento region of Puglia.

The origins of paper-maché are in the Middle and Far East but, through trade, the technique eventually found its way here. During the 17th and 18th centuries, both cartapesta and Baroque were embraced and flourished in this region, especially in Lecce. This resulted in requests to provide religious statues for local churches and monuments within a rather short time frame. Not having access to the preferred (and more expensive) materials, e.g., marble and bronze, or the tools to work with them, artisans were compelled to find a new method. Cartapesta was the perfect solution and became the artistic medium of choice. A 3h class where you will learn how to make some nice handicrafts in paper maché; lesson begins with a brief intro about the importance of this tradition in our culture through the centuries. Then you will begin your activity and will create some beautiful handicrafts for you or your friends with your hands. Classes will be held both in the morning and in the afternoons in a special lab that overlooks the main historical square and its roman amphitheatre, an incredible setting where you will also enjoy a glass of local wine.
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